Tuesday, November 15, 2011

W.O.W WOmen Inernation Presentation

Last Friday, I had the amazing opportunity of presenting at the W.O.W. Women International Expo. What an awesome experience! I presented one of my most popular workshops, Figure Analysis. During my Figure Analysis workshops, I provide tips on how to wear clothing that complement your physical shape rather than work against your body. Here are my top three tips from this workshop:

  1. Know your body and then ACCEPT your body. We all know our bodies, but some of us have difficulties accepting our bodies. We are all built differently ( consider your actual bone structure); if you develop a better relationship with your physical body, and accept it for what it is, you will begin to know what type of clothing complements your shape.
    2. You CANNOT change your figure by losing weight. Prior to working with me or attending my presentations, many of my clients believe that by going to the gym, they can achieve a certain figure. FALSE. You may lose weight and tone your muscles, but your actual figure will be the same. So again, know your figure.
      3. Black will not always make you look slimmer. You have to consider fabric, cut, and the actual warmth or coolness of the black. Actually, black might be a color that you should avoid based on your skin tone. In these instances, black can make you  your face lifeless and can make you look bigger.

      Consider these quick tips the next time something does not "fit" you right. You may actually be correct.

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